Annabel MonskyComment

Comfortable & Supportive: Furniture Finds

Annabel MonskyComment
Comfortable & Supportive: Furniture Finds

I am only 5’1”, hypermobile, and have struggled with back and neck pain for a long time. As such, I am incredibly picky when it comes to choosing furniture. After reflecting on what I needed in physical therapy and doing my market research, I found pieces I love that are comfortable, supportive, and good-looking.

This isn’t his dog bed… but sometimes he thinks it is.

  1. Sofa. I am a major fan of Lovesac sofas. They are incredibly comfortable, and I loved being able to customize mine. From fabrics to colors and layouts, Lovesac offers a variety of options, and the design process is fun! I also appreciate the excellent posture support that the rectangular shape of the sofa provides and that my cushions do not sink too deeply. Having a couch with both these qualities is essential to keeping my neck and back happy.

2. Desk Chair. I have gone back and forth between having desk chairs with armrests and without them over the years. Now my verdict is in, and I have decided that desk chairs without armrests are better for posture support. Although my feet still do not touch the ground in this chair at the lowest height, I found a great solution using this Foot Rest. In sum: This desk chair has everything, is super comfortable, and great for short people like me.

3. A square dining table. IMO, square dining tables are much better for posture than round ones. Having an even surface to rest my elbows and arms on is much more stabilizing. I prefer this size, but for the smaller version, click here.

4. These dining chairs look great when paired with this table. They do not have armrests and are crazy cozy and modern.

5. Mint Mattress. It is time for you to upgrade your mattress—and this is my rec. This one is not too firm or soft; it feels like a just-right healthy in-between.

6. Extra Thick Yoga Mat. Perfect for extra thick puppies and humans alike. In all seriousness, though, this is the best yoga mat I have ever owned. It is the thickest one I could find and has significantly prevented pain from using a thin mat.

7. Dog Bed. Because my dog (clearly) takes his comfiness seriously. For reference, my pup is about 40 lbs, and the medium size works perfectly.

8. Reacher Grabber Tool. Last but not least, here is my “reacher grabber tool”! I bought this for surgery recoveries when I could not bend below my knees post-operatively. I now find it helpful to have for reaching lightweight items on high shelves—and also when I am just being lazy.